Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mama Bunny's Water Garden

It was very sunny on Thanksgiving Day, so I went out in Mama Bunny's back yard and took pictures of her pride and joy - the Water Garden. Mama Bunny and StepDaddy have a natural hill in their backyard, so they hired someone with a backhoe to dig a big hole. They landscaped around the hole , sealed it up, put in a recirculating water pump, filled it with water and fish - and Voila, they had a water garden. They have had it for years now, and the sounds of the water falling into the pond is extremely relaxing.

By the way, someone commented on my mother's lack of anything green on her Thanksgiving table (see post HERE). This is very true - but it is a family tradition. One Thanksgiving, my mother asked my younger brother what his favorite green vegetable was - and told him she would cook whatever he wanted. My brother's answer: "CORN".

Hence no green vegetable on our table, but ALWAYS corn.