Monday, November 10, 2008

Manic Monday Weigh-In

I had a HORRIBLE week when it comes to diet/exercise - and I didn't lose any weight. So I stand at 14 pounds lost (in 3 1/2 weeks). This seems like such a small amount of weight for such a long amount of time - when I was doing Atkins I could lose 14 pounds in one week, easily.

On Tuesday (Election Day) I stress-ate all day. On Tuesday night I drank like a fish to celebrate. On Wednesday I hangover ate (McDonald's TWICE - as well as the Chef at my restaurant making me Chicken Salad sandwiches). On Friday I binge ate everything in site, and ordered a cheeseburger and fries at 2:00 am. And last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up and ate the sandwich that I had prepared for today's lunch.

To make matters even worse, my ankles have been KILLING ME - preventing me from walking (you would hurt too if you had to support this lardass). And the icing on the cake was an ingrown toenail that made walking even more painful than it normally is. Therefore, I did not exercise at all this week.

All things considered, I guess I should be happy that I didn't GAIN any weight. I am very frustrated and depressed right now - I don't have my part-time job, and my full-time job is much less lucrative. My roommate is out of work, and I'm not sure how he plans on continuing to pay the rent. I have been hit surprisingly hard by the Prop 8 loss in California - how is it that MY rights are allowed to be put up to a popular vote - and others are not? All of these things make me want to stuff my face and cry - which is pretty much what I've been doing.

I will try and get myself together and weigh in again on Friday.

UPDATE: I just entered my weight onto my WW page, and it turns out I DID gain a pound. Just fucking shoot me...