Sunday, November 9, 2008

At The Movies With David Dust

As I've said before, I very rarely go to the movies - I generally wait for movies to come out on DVD or cable before I watch them. But this weekend I did both - I watched two movies at home and one at an actual movie theater.

I have known my good friend Toni for over ten years. She and I worked together at a tiny Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side, and eventually I became a part of her family (sort of). Toni is helping to raise her young cousin, Kelsey, and over the year's I became Kelsey's "Uncle David". Toni, Kelsey, and I get together a couple of times a year - and yesterday we went to the movies. Kelsey picked Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa - and she made an excellent choice.

Yes - Madagascar 2 is animated, and yes it is perfect for an 8-year-old (Kelsey's age). But it is also HYSTERICAL - with plenty of references that the kiddies didn't get, but us old folks did. I am SO glad Kelsey didn't want to see High School Musical 3. Thank you Jeebus.

On Friday I rented two movies from Blockbuster - Get Smart and Sex and the City. Yes, I am a bad Gay for not seeing SATC when it came out, but like I said - I rarely go to the movies. Even the big gay ones.

Let me begin with Get Smart. I LOVED the old Maxwell Smart television show when I was a kid. The shoe phone, the cone of silence, CHAOS, CONTROL - I may not have understood everything, but I thought it was really neat as a kid.

The updated version? Not so much. In fact, Get Smart was so bad that I didn't bother finishing it.

Sex and the City, on the other hand, I LOVED. I laughed and I cried ... literally. Although I thought the movie was a little long - it was SO nice to check in with the girls. And Samantha's hot Papi next-door-neighbor was a sight to behold.

I should do this "movie thing" more often...