Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's Shitstorm Time...

Under IRS tax regulations, no "church" can use church personnel, resources, or funds to influence legislation. The Mormon "church" used it's members, resources, and most importantly TONS OF MONEY to pass Proposition 8. So there are various petition drives going on right now requesting that the Internal Revenue Service take away the "church's" tax-exempt status. Please go HERE to see what you can do to help in this effort.

Although the Mormon "religion" tries to portray itself as a branch of Christianity, many think it is nothing but a very rich and successful CULT.

In addition to petitioning the IRS, there is talk of a boycott of the state of Utah - home of the Mormon "religion". You know, the state that the Mormons founded TO ESCAPE PERSECUTION - due to their differing beliefs about MARRIAGE (polygamy).

Sound familiar, Bitches?!? Trust me - the SHITSTORM against these hateful bastards has just begun.