Saturday, November 22, 2008

Will Bush Pardon His "Cronies"?

There has been a lot of talk that during his final days in office, President Bush may issue a "blanket pardon" for anyone in his administration who broke the law by following official administration policies (torture, domestic spying, etc).

My Congressman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, introduced H.R. 1531 in Congress Friday. The resolution, according to a press release from the Congressman.. in response to President Bush’s widespread abuses of power and potentially criminal transgressions against our Constitution. The Resolution aims to prevent undeserved pardons of officials who may have been co-conspirators in the President’s unconstitutional policies, such as torture, illegal surveillance and curtailing of due process for defendants.

"This Resolution declares that we will not tolerate a last minute attempt by President Bush to shelter his cronies – cronies who may well be guilty of serious criminal offenses – from the full force of the law," said Rep. Nadler. "President Bush must not excuse his own officials from possibly illegal acts committed outside the context of their official duties. Such pardons would merely obfuscate the truth and amount to a gross miscarriage of justice."

I LOVE Rep. Nadler and the fact that he has the balls to introduce official legislation that uses the word "cronies", and calls Dubya out for his illegal bullshit. Bravo Jerry!!!