Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NYC Prop 8 Protest TONIGHT

We have HAD IT with the H8! Demonstrate with us tonight at the Mormon Temple - 125 Columbus Avenue (at 65th Street) against the Mormon "Church's" role in Proposition H8's passage at 6:30 pm. Take the 1 Train to 66th Street - Lincoln Center and follow the crowds. Bring signs, candles, and your fabulous selves.

If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, questioning, or one of our straight allies and you don't live in NYC, find out about protests/demonstrations/actions in YOUR area by clicking HERE for JoinTheImpact.Com.

I hope to have a full report for you all by this evening. I have to say - I am extremely excited. I have never protested anything in my life.


Thanks to Kayce for the JoinTheImpact link, and thanks to Empress Dagny for the fabulous picture!