Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Weigh-In And Thanksgiving Jitters

I have lost my first 20 pounds!, which is three pounds lost since last Friday. I am starting to fit into clothes that I haven’t fit into in ages, which I am extremely happy about. I went to the gym on Wednesday, and walked home on Monday and last night.

I would still like to get to the gym more often, but it is hard to pass up walking because I enjoy it so much. I realize I burn a ton more calories on a Stairmaster, but there is something about walking through this city that I never get tired of. Even when it’s 38 degrees outside.

Next week will be the true test. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday – no presents, no drama – just show up, pig out, and pass out. I am leaving for Central Pennsylvania on the first Amtrak train on Wednesday morning, and won’t return until Monday afternoon.

In years past the entire long weekend became one big pig-out session, but this year I have vowed to be different. I have told my Dad (who I stay with) not to get the usual “picnic food” – potato and macaroni salad, chicken salad, potato rolls, chips, cold cuts, and various cheeses – that he usually gets before I arrive. I plan on heading to the Giant (our local grocery store) and to the Wal-Mart to pick up Weight Watchers-friendly foods. And yes, I said THE Giant and THE Wal-Mart because that’s how we talk back home.

Thanksgiving Day itself is a different story. I will go to Mama Bunny’s house in the morning and help her prepare the annual feast. And there is NO WAY I will deprive myself of cornbread dressing (stuffing) and giblet gravy. Mama Bunny is from Texas, and our Thanksgiving meal reflects her southern roots. Then later I’ll return to Dad’s house where there will be my Stepmother’s stuffing loaves and turkey sandwiches waiting for me. Needless to say, I won’t be counting my points on that day.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?...