Friday, November 14, 2008

WANTED: Dust Bunny Correspondents

As many of you know - tomorrow there will be simultaneous demonstrations/protests against Proposition 8 and for marriage equality. Protest times are staggered by time zone, making this the very first time in the history of our nation that LGBT people (and our straight allies) will be speaking out in every major city in every state at the SAME TIME. Go to JoinTheImpact to find the location of the nearest protest.

I have heard from a number of you, saying that you plan on going. That is fucking AWESOME. Just showing up is half the battle. Those of you that can't go - please be there in spirit, or donate time and/or money toward equality when you can.

For those Dust Bunnies who DO attend a protest - please take pictures and send them to me at If you have time, send a little mini-recap of your event. If I get enough response, I'll do a "Dust Bunnies Take To The Streets" post on Sunday or Monday.

One last thing - I know I've been cramming Politics/Barack Obama/Proposition 8/Marriage Equality down your throats lately - but this is important. A movement is beginning that just may give me the same rights as many of you already enjoy. And I'm excited...