Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Daddy" Or "Kid"?

In the past 2 weeks I have been referred to as both "Daddy" and "Kid". As a 41-year-old, I MUCH prefer "Kid". Let me explain...

In my quest to lose weight, I do a lot of walking from my job in Greenwich Village, through Chelsea and Times Square, to my apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Even in the winter, there are plenty of opportunities for PapiWatching.

Some of the best PapiWatching happens around The Port Authority Bus Terminal - located on the (former infamous) corner of 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. "The Port Authority", as it is called, has been a magnet for PapiHookers since the dawn of time, and they still congregate there - looking to make some quick cash. It just HAPPENS to be on my way home (don't judge, bitches), so naturally I like to look and see what's out there. Some of these guys I remember from Stella's and the days before NYC became the newest Disneyland. Trust me, I'm not buying, but the window-shopping is a lot of fun.

The other day I walked past a Papi who looked really familiar. Because of his familiarity, I must have been looking at him EXTRA hard, because as we were passing each other he stopped and said "Hey Daddy" - waiting to see if I wanted to talk. At that precise moment, I remembered he used to work as a waiter/barback at Stella's, but I kept on walking (he and I weren't that tight). But on my way home, I was kind of pissed that he referred to me as Daddy.

Throughout my life, I always looked younger than my actual age. At certain times in my life, I looked A LOT younger that I really was. When I was 21-22 years-old and started going to gay bars, the older guys LOVED my blond chicken ass (and I wouldn't give them the time of day). I got carded at the liquor store into my early 30's, much to the dismay of my friends. But being called "Daddy" kind of brought it home. I will never, EVER, be a young little chickadee again. Especially with my thinning buzz cut and goatee and wrinkles and potbelly...

Cut to last night, when I was actually at the gym. I had a really good cardio workout, and on my way out I said goodnight to the HOTTEST Papi who sometimes works the front desk. He is in his early twenties and looks like every young Papi I've ever featured on this blog - if not cuter. I wished him a goodnight, and he replied "night Kid!".

"Kid"???? "Kid"????? I like that MUCH better than "Daddy"....