Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Have A "Secret" Admirer

Don't forget, Top Chef tonight at 10 pm EST.

I have to share something with the BunnyNation: I have exchanged a few emails with one of the current Cheftestants. I'm not going to divulge the identity of him/her - because I'm not sure if Bravo has any policy about talking to Bloggers (like The Food Network/HGTV/Scripps does). He/she hasn't shared any secrets with me or done anything inappropriate, but I don't want to get this person into trouble.

She/he read my first recap and thought I was funny, so he/she sent me an email. As always, I was extremely honored that someone from the show would actually read my recap, and I was even more blown away by how sweet this person was. I warned her/him that they might not like me so much by the time he/she goes home, because I can sometimes be "brutal" in my quest for funny. I was assured that this person was tough enough to handle it, and I was told to continue doing my thing.

I will divulge this person's identity after she/he gets kicked off the show - or after the finale - whichever comes first..

And if any other of you Cheftestants are out there reading - let me know!