Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted

I got up early this morning and went to the elementary school around the corner to vote. It took almost 1 1/2 hours - but all it all it went smoothly. For New Yorkers, everyone was surprisingly patient and friendly.

I am SO pissed, however, because I can't find the friggin' USB cord thingy for my Kodak camera. I took pictures at my polling place, and even took a picture inside the voting booth. But apparently my camera requires a special cord that you can't buy at Radio Shack or Staples. Damn!

There are reports of heavy voting throughout the nation. At one polling place at Penn State, more than 1000 students were in line at 7:00 am. Penn State is where I cast my very first vote for president - in 1988. I voted for ... George H.W. Bush! Thank God I had seen the light by 1992 and voted for Bill Clinton.

So - tell us how YOUR voting experience was today. Was there a line? If so, how long? Were there any problem at your polling place? Any shenanigans??

Share your experiences with the rest of us Dust Bunnies. On election day I want as much information as possible - so leave comments!!