Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Two Dans Will March On Washington

Lt. Dan Choi - one of the thousands of victims of Don't Ask, Don't Tell - lends his support to the National Equality March (held on October 10/11 in Washington D.C.):

"I disagree with the notion that making the trek to DC will take away from our other efforts. In fact, it will focus and re-energize the work we will do when we get home. 2009 can be a milestone, a tipping point. This is the year when we step up to our full citizenship as Americans: marrying and raising families, serving in our military. Join us in Washington on October 11 to tell the whole nation."

There is another person named "Dan" who was an early, and vocal, supporter of the March - and that is today's birthday boy - our good friend from Chicago, DAN ...

In honor of his birthday, Dan is now the "Featured Dust Bunny Blogger" on DavidDust. Happy Birthday Honey!!