Posting will be light this week (and nonexistant over the weekend) for the following reasons:
I'm tired.
"The Girls" (The Mistress Maddie and Miss Ginger Grant) will be in NYC this weekend - so I need to get my place looking more like a Manhattan apartment and less like a Crack Den in Newark.
My birthday is Wednesday - and the present I'm giving myself is "taking it easy".
I have a brand new kitty who thinks 2:30 AM is the PERFECT time to play. And I have a 12-year old kitty who would like to eat the new kitty for breakfast.
I need to rest-up for this weekend's festivities. I'm sure Maddie and Ginger will try to drag me (kicking and screaming, natch) to "The Urges" and force me to fondle go-go boys and drink Bacardi Limon. Bitches.