Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kitty Bradshaw Anniversary Event Pictures

On Wednesday I went to the Kitty Bradshaw one-year anniversary EVENT, sponsored by Gap Born to Fit and others. Here are some of the pictures. Above, we have The Diva herself, with two of the models (the models all wore Gap Jeans). Isn't Kitty just delicious?!?

From left to right: Marques Stewart, Matthew Reuter, Kitty Bradshaw, and Rashawn Litrell Davis. I had the pleasure of chatting with Rashawn, and he was an absolute doll.

Here is Kitty (giving us a Diva smirk) with the fabulous Candace Karu. Candace was there as a representative for Cabot Creameries - one of the event's sponsors. She was another person I really enjoyed talking to - Candace and I bonded instantly!

All the models - male and female - looking gorgeous in Gap jeans. I'd say Kitty did a great job showing that she is truly a Gap Brand Enthusiast.