Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No More Secrets

I've been feeling a little distant from my blog and the blogosphere lately - and it's all because of a huge secret I've been keeping from you.  So much of what has happened in my life over the past few weeks has centered around one fact - one fact I haven't shared with the BunnyNation....

While in the hospital, I found out that I am HIV Positive.

First of all, please be assured that I'm doing fine.  ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) recently approved me, and I'm now taking Atripla which is a combination of 3 AIDS drugs (sometimes called the "cocktail").  For now I take one pill before bed as well as antibiotics to prevent the pneumonia from coming back, but that's about it.  I am extremely committed to staying healthy, and plan on taking advantage of the available services to help me do so.

I told my family immediately and they have been wonderful.  I also told many of my friends - and for those of you I didn't, my apologies that you had to find out this way.  Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over these past few weeks - it means the world to me.

Some might think I'm insane for blogging about this - but let's face it, I blog about EVERYTHING.  I've blogged about being depressed, overweight, and my love of Papis and 90's House Music.  Hell, ya'll have read about EVERY Arby's meal I've eaten in the past 3 years, for Jeebus' sake!  So holding back this important part of my life was really making me uncomfortable.  It feels better being open and honest - and there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.  I have a disease, I'm taking responsibility for it, and I'm not going to keep it a secret any more.

So - there it is, the whole truth.  Please know that I didn't do this for sympathy or to seem "brave" - but for the simple fact that if a homeopathic thrush remedy turns my tongue bright purple (true story), I want to be able to blog about it!

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...