Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lorenzo Martone's Rebound Guy: Lance Bass

Starhumper Lorenzo Martone (above left) recently confirmed (via Twatter, natch) that he and Marc Jacobs are no longer dating. And according to the Daily News, Martone is rebounding with Lance Bass - who always seems to end up with hotties.

But the Daily News article throws some cold water on the hot-to-trot Brazilian loverboy:
A friend of Bass confirms that the boy-band star and Martone are indeed seeing each other, but says the odds of the relationship lasting are about as long as those for an ’N Sync reunion.
"Lorenzo is trying to make it more than it is," says the friend, who adds that Lance is just "not that interested." The pal also points out that Bass, 31, prefers to date guys who are "younger and prettier" than the 31-year-old Martone. Ouch.

Meeeeeooooowww!  My people can be so deliciously evil...