Monday, July 19, 2010

Last Night On TV

First of all, how CUTE was Kevin Alejandro (below) as Lafayette's new love on True Blood?!?  Kevin was one of the first guys I ever featured on DavidDust BACK IN 2007.  I can't wait to see more of him and Lafayette together.

Best line of the light - Alcide's girlfriend to Sookie:
"You're f*%@king my Wolf, betch - in MY House! ... I will CUT YOU!!"

And then on Design Star they designed rooms in two different NYC firehouses.  One of the firehouses was Squad 18 - the fire company closest to my job (below).  Squad 18 lost seven men on 9/11 - including one firefighter named Manuel Mojica Jr., who I saw many times hanging out in front of the firehouse.  I was so sad when I found out Manuel was one of the firefighters who had died - even though I didn't even know him.  I wrote a remembrance of him HERE.

What did YOU watch last night??