Monday, July 19, 2010

A Dip In The Pool by Sheena Blackhall

There is no luxury like water, 
Blue as the Hope Diamond.

Land rules cease to apply, 
Are firmly marooned on shore.

The peace dove's dropped its feathers Just for me.
The pool receives me kindly Asks no questions
Makes no assumptions Demands no entry fee.

It washes away the heat, the dust, the noise
Of the crowded day.

Succour, solitude, silence. 
Oh the silence, the silence 
Sweeter than larks' tongues 
Or honey from amber bees!

I kick my heels like a fish, 
Chasing the wobbling coracles of light.
Creature of fluid boundaries, I watch day drown, knowing, 
Like Noah, new lands will rise like growling whales.

Poem Source