Saturday, July 17, 2010

Intelligence + Confidence + Nerdy Sexy = Jay Smooth

Jay Smooth is hip-hop's preeminent Vlogger - and even though hip-hop is not a music genre I know much about, I always enjoy Smooth's videos.  Jay, a self-professed nerd who just happens to be straight, is not afraid to bring up topics that aren't discussed much in the hip-hop world, like homosexuality...

When we find ourselves believing that killing a man makes us more of a man, and loving a man makes us less of a man - then it's time to re-examine our criteria of "manhood".

In this video, he takes on one of my pet peeves - "No Homo"...

Check out Jay Smooth's Vlog - Ill Doctrine - HERE.

I told you he was cute - don't you agree???