Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's A Miracle!

My roommate tinkered with "my" computer today, and by the time I came home it was fixed (complete with new anti-virus software)! And not only is it working properly (knock on wood), I didn't lose any data - including the hottie pics a computer tech told me I would lose if he fixed it.

So I should be ecstatic, right?!? Well, I am excited to have access to a working computer again. But the Sweet Baby Jeebus giveth, and the Sweet Baby Jeebus taketh away. Shortly after I got to my apartment this evening, I developed a SEVERE toothache. So severe, that I considered going to the emergency room to get something for the pain. But I went to the drugstore and got some Orajel - and I've taken handfuls of Tylenol and Advil - and it's a little better.

So posting will be limited tonight - because I need to lay down. Thank you all so much for your kind words and good wishes. I love you bitches - I really do.