Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dust Bunny of the Week - Sam

I know it's been much more than a week since I presented a coveted "Dusty" Award to the Dust Bunny who goes above and beyond the call of duty. Many of you will remember Miss Ginger Grant's recent act of bravery in the name of Arby's - which earned her the inaugural prize.

Well my dears, it's time for me to name a new Dust Bunny of the Week - and this time it's the most fabulous trucker in America - Sam. Sam is a real-life truck driver with a hot man who shares driving duties with him. And I hear they've shared MORE THAN THAT in 40 out of 50 of these United States of America. Use your imagination. Here is a picture of the adorable Sam (below left), with his hunky hubby Bill...

When Sam heard I was feeling down last week and needed cheering up, that Beeyotch sent me one helluva basket of cheer...

Yes indeed - a Harry & David basket of goodies - complete with two bottles of wine in a cute red basket that will be perfect in my red kitchen. I will use the red basket for fruit - because I am a flaming homersextical.

Anywhore, for going above and beyond the call of duty - I present this Dusty Award to my truck-driving "sister", the lovely and talented Sam...

In gratitude for his service to the BunnyNation, Sam's blog - God, You Ain't Goin' To Believe This - has moved up to a position of honor ("Dust Blogger of the Week") on my sidebar. You may also notice some changes to my "Dust Bunny Blogs" blogroll. I would like to welcome Daventry Blue, The Gayte-Keeper, Maybe It's Just Me, and Nutwood Junction to the coveted realm of featured Dust Bunny Bloggers. These four have become loyal Dust Bunnies - leaving comments and checking in often - and I appreciate them immensely.

In order to make room for the newbies, I had to rotate some things. If your blog isn't on the list right now, it's not because I'm mad at you or you did anything wrong. I've just decided to mix up my blogroll occasionally to feature some other great bloggers. Keep being fabulous Dust Bunnies and your blogs will return to the list eventually.

One other thing ... ALTHOUGH I APPRECIATE IT IMMENSELY, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY/SEND ME THINGS to be Dust Bunny of the Week. Even if I'm bitching and moaning about how horrible my life is (which it's NOT), I am NOT soliciting gifts here.

I plan on honoring a Dust Bunny of the Week more often - maybe even EVERY WEEK(!). But you know me, I might get lazy and let a good Bunny be the "Dust Bunny of the Until I Name A New One". Stay tuned.

Thanks to Sam for the generous and thoughtful gift. And thanks to all you Dust Bunnies for making me smile every day.