Sunday, March 22, 2009

Voices From The Past

My good friend and sister, The Mistress Maddie (above), read my POST yesterday about the Black Party - and remembered a letter I had written back in 1993. And it just so happened that Maddie still had that damn letter!

The first line that you can read is "Oh well, who needs love?". Oy ... some things never change. See Maddie's blast-from-the-past post HERE.

Here is the story of how I met Maddie. I had dated a guy in Harrisburg for a while, but after a few weeks we decided just to be friends.

This guy happened to have a "thing" for young-looking blond guys (like me at the time). So after dating myself and pretty much all the youngish gay blonds in Central Pennsylvania, he found the lovely and talented Maddie - on a street called "State" (sorry, inside joke). One night he brought Maddie around to hang out with the rest of our gang.

Since I was the Head Blond Bitch In Charge of our crew, I was a little wary about this new Twinkie in our inner circle. But Maddie and I became instantly close - and I started referring to Maddie as my "younger sister". A few months after we met I moved to NYC - but Maddie and I remained friends and grew even closer over the years.

And I still wouldn't trade that dirty Whore for all the money in the world.

I love ya, Girl!!

