Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And The Winner Is...

It's time to announce the winner of Rona Green's digital print entitled: "Weekend Buck taking kittens to Carrot Slide Park" (above).

This is how it went down. I made a numbered list of everyone who sent in an entry. You got one slot on the list for sending your picture, an extra slot for including a Bunny, and a third slot for an Arby's image. Even if you sent in multiple pics, you could get no more than three slots. Here is a picture of page one of the list...

After everyone's chances were numbered, I went to Random.Org and had them pick a random number. And, as you can see by the circled number above ... Dust Bunny 'Mark in DE' is the winner. Here are the pictures he sent in...

Isn't he adorable?!? Check out Mark's blog - Tales of the Sissy - HERE.

Let me tell you something - you guys sent in some AWESOME pictures. Every time I'd get a new one, I'd find myself clapping in front of my computer screen. Tomorrow I will share some of the best of the best.

Thanks to everyone for entering - and thanks to Rona for donating a fabulous piece of art. I hope to do this kind of thing more often.