Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Win This DustBunnylicious Piece of Art!

As promised, I will be posting my interview with Australian artist Rona Green later this week. In addition to interviewing her, Rona has very kindly donated "Weekend Buck Taking Kittens To Carrot Slide Park" (above) TO GIVE TO ONE LUCKY DUST BUNNY! Check back for details on how to win - and check out Rona Green's fantastic work HERE.

In the meantime, the first nine people who email me (daviddust@gmail.com) with their mailing addresses will receive an adorable pin featuring one of Rona's creations. I apologize for the fuzzy pic (below), but I was in a hurry this morning. I am actually sporting one of these pins on my jacket right now...

Remember, emailing me today ONLY makes you eligible for a pin. I will reveal how to win "Buck" later in the week.

>P, b.