Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dust Bunny Update

There's a lot going on in the BunnyNation right now...

First of all, the Empresss of BunnyNation - my beloved Beth (AKA "TrannyBeth" - above) basically live-blogged a dreaded trip to the Gyno's office. Read her post HERE. It is hysterical - with plenty of "cooter"-talk.

Dust Bunny Dwight has started a new series on his blog called "SIRveillance". Basically, he takes pictures of hotties on the sly and posts them on his blog. The hunk above is one of his "victims". Check out Dwight Supremacy HERE.

Howard is a loyal Dust Bunny and a former DavidDust Guest Blogger. Howard is also a fan of American Idol (that's him above with Ace Young), so he has teamed up with top Idol Blogger Rickey over at Howard recaps each Idol episode, and has his recap posted within 30 minutes after the show ends. That bitch works FAST! For ALL things American Idol related - go to

Joy, my "Auntie Flame" and the Grand Duchess of BunnyNation, fell last night after a theater trip to Nashville. She's fine, but I have threatened to come to Tennessee and wrap her in bubblewrap if she isn't more careful. Check in with our beloved Joy HERE.

Mama Bunny (my Mother) sent a quick email urging us to keep an eye out for the latest Cadbury Easter Egg Commercial...
You may have to watch the Food Network to see it, but try to catch the Cadbury Bunny Auditions commercial. It CRACKS.ME.UP. I love all the wannabe bunnies and I think the commercial only runs for a few weeks before Easter.
Like a good Bunny/Son - I tried watching the Food Network, but that shit gets old FAST. I even tried to find the commercial on YouTube, but all I could find was the old one with the pink bunny laying eggs. If anyone finds the new commercial, please send me the link.

Finally, I posted my interview with artist Rona Green yesterday - read it HERE. And don't forget - you have the opportunity to win the piece of art below - worth more that $350. All you have to do is email me a REAL picture of yourself. Bonus points if the picture includes bunnies or is taken at Arby's.

If you have anything you think I should know about, email me at Please keep in mind that I get LOTS of email, and I might not always be able to answer every single one.

>Peace, bitches.