Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scary Drag Queen Trying to Destroy Me!

Bunnies - I've been ATTACKED! Some internet company (which shall forever remain nameless) has accused me of stealing their hottie pictures - which you can find freely find on about 4,000 websites/blogs other than their own.

The conversation yesterday started out civilly enough. I got an email from the "Publicity Director" of the company, who I think is a Drag Queen (anyone with "Lady" in their email address has GOT to lip synch on the weekends). "She" said that I could either delete their crap, sign up for their partnership program, or get sued.

I explained that suing wouldn't do anybody any good - except cost them a bunch of money on attorneys. Goodness knows I don't have a pot to piss in, so they would end up in at the back of a long line of creditors trying to get cash outta me. I also explained that since I have never featured any advertising on DavidDust, I haven't profited from any pics (or anything else) on this blog. So I asked her about the partnership program, and Miss Thang seemed eager to get me onboard - especially after I told her about my large following and page views/vistors stats.

Basically, they wanted me to pimp their porn on DavidDust, in exchange for a percentage of the profits. I had some questions about "keeping it classy" (you know how I roll) and some other issues - but I was truly thinking about doing it. After all, I could use the money.

All of a sudden I get an urgent email saying that HER BOSS WAS MAD! Ooooohhh ... scaaaary!! I needed to go back to all posts that contained their pics and insert proper attribution. This was to be done "IMMEDIATELY".

I explained to her that at that particular moment I was at my day job and did not have time to go through my entire 1 1/2 years of blogging. But if she could provide me with a simple list of the posts in question, it would speed the process up greatly. And they would certainly have to create a list if they were truly going to sue me - so why not save money on attorneys and just give me a list?!?


DragQueenSayWhat?!? Oh no she di-int. I explained to the "Lady" that I NEVER got any pictures from any of their websites. I obtain all the pics on DavidDust from various third party blogs all over the internet - and I don't have the time or capacity to keep records of the origin of each and every picture. I EXPLAINED AGAIN THAT I WOULD BE HAPPY TO DELETE ANY/ALL SPECIFICS PICTURES/POSTS THAT SHE CLAIMED BELONGED TO HER COMPANY - but she needed to tell me which ones. After all, how am I supposed to know what is hers and what isn't?

So last evening I started going through my blog in the hopes of finding these "outlaw" photos. When I came across a post that may have contained some of their pictures, I deleted the pics (as per their instructions) and inserted this explanation...

Obviously, Lady K (not her real name) was the Drag Queen who made all these accusations/demands. And Lady K owns EVERYTHING! Everything is HERS!. Above is the picture I stole ... er ... FOUND of her. Actually, this isn't REALLY Lady K - just what I imagine Lady K looks like. Except she's probably not as pretty as the tranny in this picture. Mad props to Kayce for helping with the graphics.

So, if you happen upon an old DavidDust post featuring Lady K, you'll know what happened.