Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Used To HATE Statistics...

... until StatCounter came along. Holy Crap - yesterday we had over 3,300 visitors here at DavidDust, and over 6,200 page views! Amazing.

Are you listening Google AdSense?!? I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I had hoped to earn a badly-needed dollar or two by including advertising on the blog recently. Google AdSense TURNED ME DOWN because of "Adult Content". WTF??

I'll give you some "Adult Content" ... you NO-GOOD, DIRTY, MOTHER-f**#$#@, *#@!*-eating, #*!@*^$-loving, *^&$##*, #*##!!@, DUMB-ASSES!!!

Okay ... I feel better now. Anywhoo - thanks everyone for stopping by. And if any company would like to reach a whole bunch of fierce Dust Bunnies and advertise on my blog, send me an email. I promise to be nice...