Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Dust Bunny Mike In Bama just sent me an email (he has my direct email address at work) urging me to go to Joe.My.God. It turns out I was one of the winners of Joe's special "Swag Thursday" giveaway! I have won a pair of tickets to the Radio City Music Hall Speaker Series for March 31st. That evening, Anderson Cooper will conduct a live interview with D.L. Hughley, Ariana Huffington, and AssHat Mike Huckabee.

I had forgotten about commenting on JMG's Swag post - but I'm SOOO pleasantly surprised to actually win something!! I haven't been to Radio City Music Hall in ages (it's only a few blocks from my apartment) - and it will be interesting to see this non-traditional 'live entertainment'. I will make sure to give you all a full recap.

I know I have mentioned this before, but for those of you who enjoy my blog - you can thank Joe.My.God for inspiring me to start DavidDust. He is simply a SUPERSTAR in my world - and his blogging made me want to start a blog of my own. Joe is so MAJOR, that I was too intimidated to introduce myself to him at a Prop 8 protest. I know - I'm a friggin' wuss...

By the way - anyone want to go with me?? Seriously, my Best Friend would rather pull off his fingernails with needle-nose pliers that listen to people talk about politics. So if you are going to be in NYC on March 31st, send me an email.

>P, b!