Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't F*ck Up AbFab!

Fox has begun filming the American pilot of Absolutely Fabulous - and gay men everywhere are concerned. Will they destroy one of the most ... well ... FABULOUS television shows that ever existed?

The picture above is of Kristen Johnston (left) who will recreate the Patsy role, and Kathryn Hahn (???) who will play Edina. Kristen gave an interview last month that has people worried about a watered-down version of our two favorite insecure, coked-up, shopaholic drunks...
“I think they captured the exact amount of sweetie-darling," she says. "I mean, it’s a totally different element, it’s a totally different show. We don’t smoke, we are hungover all the time, we chew Nicorette, we’re trying to be more PC, but I think it really works. It’s one of those scripts that’s like my favorite kind because on paper you’re like, Oh, this is funny, but when you read it out loud with two actresses, it’s, like, the funniest shit ever.”
More PC?!? They don't smoke?!? Nicorette?!?!! Lord, I guess cocaine and orgies are out of the question. Thank goodness Jennifer Saunders (the original Eddie, and Executive Producer of the original series) is in charge of this remake. I want this shit to be THIN AND GORGEOUS!!!!