Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Count Your Stats

Last month when I had dinner with The Minx, she told me how easy it was to sign up for and "install" StatCounter.Com to a blog. Since I am technologically... what's the word? ... a DIPSHIT, I had my doubts. But Minxie was 100% correct - it was quick, easy, and free.

All you do is go to StatCounter.Com and sign up for a free account. There, they will give you easy instructions on how you add the feature to your blog. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can. It just becomes another "gadget" along the side (or at the bottom) of your blog.

The results you will see are fascinating. StatCounter tells you how many visitors and page views you receive daily/weekly/monthly - and tells you what sites these people came from. It also tells you which posts were most popular, and how much time people spend visiting your blog. This may seem boring to some of you, but I love looking at this kind of crap. And, believe it or not, I plan on using this information to make DavidDust even more enjoyable for my Dust Bitches.

I have to say I was ASTOUNDED to find out how many people actually visit my blog. I'm averaging almost 2500 visitors daily! The bar graph at the top of this post shows my actual visitor stats as of this morning.

This makes me wonder - who in the hell ARE all these people?!? Right now I have 129 "Followers", and a little over 200 of you subscribe to my RSS Feed. If I had to, I could maybe list 200-300 readers. SO WHO ARE THE OTHER 2200 PEOPLE WHO STOP BY EACH DAY.

Seriously people, talk to me. Tell me what you hate (I already know: MY WHINING), and what you like. Or just call me a fat bitch - but do something!! Actually, if you call me a "Fat Bitch" I'll just whine about it - so let's not do that...

Thanks to ALL of you (known or unknown) for stopping by...

>P, b.