Sunday, March 1, 2009


I am so destitute that I don't even own a computer (I make all this blogging magic happen on other people's equipment). But I am fortunate enough to have access to my roommate's old laptop - which has worked great for me until this weekend.

I noticed a day or so ago that this old Dell seemed to REALLY be slowing down. By this morning, it had slowed to a crawl - and even accessing my comments took forever. I swear to God, I was so frustrated that I was ready to throw this bitch out the window and take a long break from blogging - because there is no way I can buy a new computer. But I restrained myself.

Another strike against me as a Blogger is the fact that I have very limited computer knowledge. I can hunt down and post pics of hotties - and that's about it. But I DID happen to notice a little icon on the lower right side of the screen (on the taskbar thingy) that I didn't recognize. After HOURS of trying, I was able to remove whatever it was.

Thank the Baby Jeebus, it seemed to work. Although everything is bigger on the screen now - which I can deal with. And for some reason my cursor is now a friggin' seashell. Again, no reason to throw the computer away.... Yet.