Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Never Fails...

Just when things seems to be going well, the shit comes crashing down around me. I finished my report-from-Hell at work, and the numbers weren't bad at all. I had a fabulous weekend with the Dust Bunnies. I was happy.

And then last night my computer became seriously infected with some nasty spyware - and it is unusable. The last time something similar happened, my roommate was able to do a System Restore and get it to work again. I can't get it to do anything - the spyware has shut down my security software and disabled pretty much everything. My screen-saver has been replaced by a big WARNING sign, followed by a message in extremely bad English about how my computer is infected and it could "harm my life!". I am afraid that this time I have lost everything - including hundreds of hottie and funny pictures which took untold hours to collect - as well as all my DDBW and other personal pictures. And no, I didn't backup anything because I'm a fucking moron and don't know how. I'm like those pitiful bitches from The Fashion NO who can't use a sewing machine - I'm a Blogger who's not very good at using a computer.

So, once again, I will be scarce here in Blogville until I can figure out what to do. Taking my computer to a professional is out of the question at this point - I need to focus on getting caught up on my rent/bills right now.

I will do what I can from my work computer (after-hours, of course) ... but I probably won't be around much for a while. And unfortunately I'll only be able to moderate your comments during regular business hours when I'm at work.

And of course this happens at a time when DavidDust is really building momentum. Yesterday I had a RECORD number of page views (7057), unique visitors (4,581), and returning visitors (610). Like I said, it never, EVER, fucking fails...