Thursday, June 11, 2009

David's Big Adventure

I am NOT one of those spur-of-the-moment people. I'm just not. In order to get me to do anything these days, you have to submit a request in writing ... in triplicate ... complete with proposed plans, maps, diagrams, cost analysis and alternate routes in case of emergency. I am a Virgo - I like planning.

So I was surprised yesterday after work when I said to myself ... "Self, we're gonna take the train out to New Jersey and get us some Arby's!". "Self" thought that was a great idea, since he likes Arby's just as much as I do.

Here in NYC we have the normal subway, which will take you all over Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens for $2.00 per trip. But there are also the PATH trains which run underneath the Hudson River between Manhattan and New Jersey - and it's actually cheaper than taking the regular subway (it's only $1.75). Since there is a PATH station right near my job on Christopher Street - I decided I would take the PATH one stop to Newport/Pavonia. I saw on the Arby's website that the Arby's in the Newport Centre Mall was the absolute closest location to me, in terms of distance.

So I hit the PATH - which I had never done in my 16 years living in NYC...

It was so quick and easy!! It took me less than 10 minutes to get to Newport/Pavonia, which was lovely...

I knew that the mall was "across the street" from the PATH station, and sure enough I saw this sign. "Passageway" sounds so MYSTERIOUS!...

After going through the "passageway", I entered the mall. The signs said the Food Court was on the 3rd floor - so I hit the escalators. I was practically running at this point, I could almost hear the roast beef calling my name...

I rushed off the escalator and into the Food Court, and there it was ... the Promised Land. Arby's - at long last! Angels sang, Fairies danced, and Unicorns farted curly fries and rainbow sparkles as I approached the counter. I was home...

Arby's was the busiest restaurant in the Food Court (natch), so I had to wait to get my food. In fact, while I waited I decided to also get some roast beef "to go" - that way I'd have something to nibble on while I watched Top Chef Masters later that evening. Here is the "before" shot of my tray, with the brown bag being my "to go" treat...

And here is my tray after I attacked it. Notice the brown "to go" back is empty. That food didn't stand a chance...

I though about going to the counter and getting MORE, but then my "Fat Shame" kicked in and I didn't do it. I could have gone back up there and mumbled something about "getting something for my roommate" (I've done it before - it's a Fatty thing), but at this point I was stuffed to the gills and quite happy. So I jumped back on the PATH and returned to Christopher Street - and then rode the subway home.

Unfortunately, now I know it's actually quicker to get to Arby's than it is to go home after work. My "diet" doesn't stand a chance. BURP! Excuse me...