Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dust Bunny Roundup

Thanks to those of you who have "checked in" with me lately. I love hearing from you, so keep sending your pics, jokes, Arby's visits, gossip, etc. to me at And if you happen to be Franky G (below), please send full-frontal naked pics of yourself ASAP.

I heard from a bunch of you when you received your official DavidDust "Peace, Bitch!" buttons...

Long-time Dust Bunny (and all-around SEXY MAMI), Psychomom, sent me the picture below. She had requested TWO buttons, "one for each nipple". And she delivered...

Psychomom also Live-Twatted Top Chef Masters for me last night, since my cable is down. During the episode, I started following PapiChef Wilo Benet (below) on Twatter - and he followed me back! This meant I had to stop twatting about wanting to gaymarry him... I didn't want to rush our relationship, ya know.

Wilo didn't win, that damn Chef Payless apparently wowed 'em with a taco or somesuch.

Anywhore, Cutie-Patootie Dust Bunny William also sent me a picture with his brand new >PB button (below). Please check out William's blog - Variations on a Theme.

Our friend Rona Green, the fabulous artist from Australia, sent me some literature about her latest art exhibitions, as well as some more BUTTONS!...

And if ya'll play your cards right, I just might give a few of them away. Stay tuned...

I love getting mail, and let me tell you, I was SHOCKED when a got a package from my friend Jennie the other day. Inside was the most thoughtful gift a good Gay could ever recieve... BABS!!!!...

Seriously folks, I got a little verklempt when I opened it! A while back, Jennie had raised money to help fight ALS (a terrible disease that her father suffers from), and I did my (VERY little) part to help. Jennie said that the T-Shirt she had for me got swiped by her darling husband, so she sent me this awesome collection of Streisand-In-Concert DVD's instead. I'd like to thank Mr. Clairol (Jennie's Husband) for his part in my receiving such an awesome gift. And PLEASE check out Jennie's hysterically written blog HERE. She is a peach.

Moving on ... please send some belated birthday wishes to my girl Kailyn. According to her BLOG, she almost had to cut a beeyotch up in the AT&T store on her birthday. I don't know if this papi (below) will cheer her up...

But he's certainly working for me.

Finally, Houston Dust Bunny Timmy posted an Arby's sighting on his BLOG the other day, and he took a picture for me. I, of course, had to doctor up the picture a little ...

>P B