Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pet Peeves

The Fabulous Miss Ginger Grant (who is coming back to NYC in August - YEEAAAH!!) did a “Pet Peeves” post the other day, and challenged her Ginger Snaps to do the same.

So here are some of the many things which make me crazy… just in case you were wondering ...

Cluelessness. This is different from stupidity. You can’t help being stupid, but you can ALWAYS get a clue…

The way the younger generation speaks: When, like, every other word is “like” – and every sentence, like, sounds like a question?? Why to they TRY to sound so clueless (see above)?

The sound of loud chewing. This really grosses me out. If you are chewing, please keep your mouth shut. You are not (necessarily) a COW, but you certainly act like one.

People who are ridiculously cheap – especially tight beeyotches with plenty of money.

Negativity as a primary personality trait. If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. ESPECIALLY if it’s about something/someone you KNOW I like.

People who don’t listen. There WILL be a quiz later - so PAY ATTENTION!

Anyone who thinks they are morally superior over others. We ALL have skeletons in our closet – and it’s usually the “moral” ones who have Brontofrigginsaurus-sized skeletons in theirs.

Pickles on hamburgers, and pickling in general. Unless you're talking about Pickled Eggs (below), which are a delicious treat I remember fondly from my Central Pennsylvanian upbringing …

What are some of YOUR pet peeves? And you're not allowed to say "Pet Peeves Posts"...