Monday, June 29, 2009

"Music Notes" With Howard

A true confession from David:

I am CLUELESS when it comes to music. I like the music I grew up with (from the 80's), the house music I danced to in the clubs (from the 90's), and some of the Top 40 that's on the radio now - and that's about it. Hell, I only recently stopped listening to cassettes, and I still have no idea how an IPOD works.

On the other hand, My friend (and Dust Bunny) Howard is extremely knowledgeable about a wide variety of music. Howard has also proven to be an excellent blogger/writer with his own blog - Soundtrack to my Day.

Therefore, I would like you to help me welcome Howard as the official Music Editor of DavidDust. However, when welcoming him, please do not let Howard know that the title of "DavidDust Music Editor" will most definitely not get him access to the Grammys, The American Music Awards, or even the annual Polka Music Awards. In fact, if I were Howard, I wouldn't mention it at all for fear of open ridicule and/or damage to his credit rating.

But in all seriousness, please take a look at Howard's first "Music Notes" post - where he tells us about Gene Dante and the Future Starlets...

Gene Dante And The Future Starlets - by Howard

Gene Dante and the Future Starlets are set to release their first CD, The Romantic Lead. The band came together in 2007, formed around the talents of lead singer Gene Dante. He is not only the nucleus of the band, but also the songwriter behind the endeavor. Lyrically, the song is smart and real.

The music is definitely current, but presented with a definite nod to the past. On the first single, A Madness to his Method, Dante's vocals harken to those of David Bowie, circa Thin White Duke era, crooning in that over-the-top style, but they are layered over music that is very now. His performance style seems an homage to Freddie Mercury, an in your face confidence which exudes, unlike the Thin White Duke's aloof coolness. He is no reluctant frontman, that is for sure.

A Madness To His Method, the first video release, is an anthem for the ages, the outcast giving the finger to the world. 'There is nothing in this brave new world wrong with me,' the chorus tells us, while be watch a young man apply makeup to his flawless skin. Dante himself is singing in the video in a tuxedo and full warpaint, eyes well painted and his lips a deep red, even while his bow tie dangles and the collar lays open. He's not diseased, not broken, just different. 'I am gorgeous, I am finally free,' he tells us, not letting society hold him down.

There is also C Star, which starts with a scorching guitar lick reminiscent of the pop rock of the 80s and Pat Benatar, only followed with the voice of Bowie and the phrasing of Lou Reed. This song would be toying with an 'X' rating, but the intelligence and humor might deliver the 'R.' The video, however, is not safe for most office situations, but well worth a look once you get home. Click HERE to see it.

The Young Starlets are comprised of drummer Tamora Gooding, bassist Jim Collins, and guitarist Scott Patalano. You can find out more about Gene Dante and the Future Starlets at their website.

Thanks Howard, for that excellent review. If you are a music lover - please start following Howard's blog - Soundtrack To My Day. And while you're over there, congratulate him on earning the EXTREMELY PRESTIGIOUS title of DavidDust Music Editor. Or not...