Friday, June 5, 2009

The Fashion NO - Damned Dirty Size-Ists!

I’ll admit – I watched The Fashion NO last night. What a friggin’ horror show. It’s like watching all the kids you hated in High School – and you can’t decide which one you want to die first.

The entire show is simply a competition between Reco and Daniella - the only ones with any talent. Of the two, I MUCH prefer Reco, especially for this statement regarding Keith’s unfortunate outfit:

“I love ya to deff, but I’ll holla atcha at da reunion show”. Classic.

Reco was right – Keith went home for not being able to give curves to the skinniest bitch there. But honestly, at least five of those dumbasses could have been sent home. I just look at that dreck that walks down that runway and think that Tim Gunn must be drinking Chardonnay and laughing hysterically in front of his TV every Thursday night. These Fashion NO Ho's just can’t MAKE IT WORK!

Making me gag the hardest last night was how horribly STANK these bitches were toward “Real Women”. Good Lord, James-Paul was obviously “Schkeeving” (using a Real Housewives from NJ term) the thought of actually having to touch a woman larger than a size 2. Seriously, someone should have flashed him the Vajayjay, and his asymmetrical head would have exploded. Another competitor bites the dust!

I LOVED it when Isaac called Daniella “Size-ist” – totally true. She was bitching and moaning like she was dressing Jennifer Holliday in Dreamgirls. Calm down Stankella!!

And then there’s Mexican Jay (AKA Johnny) … “I’ve never dressed a real woman before”. Who have you dressed? Trannies?? Giraffes?? WTF?!?

Dear Bravo: I'd like to have that hour of my life back, please. I'll holla atcha a da Reunion Show...