Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bootleg Blogging - I'm Officially Perverted

Still no computer - I'm "Bootleg Blogging" from an undisclosed location...

A while ago I blogged about watching Twilight, and about how I couldn't believe hottie Taylor Lautner was only 17-years-old. It made me feel old and dirty.

Well, the people behind New Moon, the Twilight sequel, are teasing me with all these half-naked shots of Lautner taken during filming. I don't care if New Moon is the worst movie ever made - I will see it as long as it contains scenes like the ones pictured above and below...

I just REFUSE to believe Taylor is 17!! That's a lot of muscles for a high school kid. And then today Queerty published THIS photo of Taylor and his ... um ... rather LARGE ... um ...Vitamin Water bottle...

Click on the above photo to enlarge. Although if things get any bigger, someone could get hurt.

Seriously, that's NOT the ... um ... BOTTLE of a 17-year-old!!! I think he's really 23, and quite fond of fat blond guys. Seriously!

And yes, I have officially entered Pervertsville - but that's where old bitches like me eventually end up anyway.