Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bootleg Blogging - DDBW Pictures

I don't have access to MY Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend pictures (my computer is fried and I'm blogging from an undisclosed location) - but other Bunnies have posted theirs. Check out the pictures from Miss Ginger, Zombie Mom, Kailyn and Mistress Maddie. And please ignore the "well-fed" blond guy in those posts ... he is a drunk who likes to stuff dollar bills into papi's g-strings. Sicko!

Also, check out Tales of the Sissy and TrannyBeth's ongoing recaps of the weekend. By the way, I have a little something for my Bestest Girlfriend TrannyBeth (who is pictured - with me - above) ...

That's right, it's a Dusty award! Beth is our Dust Blogger of the Week - just because she is so damn fabulous!! After all, she is officially the Empress of the Dust Bunnies.