Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bootleg Blogging - Branden Rickman = SUPERMODEL

I am currently experiencing testicle technical difficulties with my computer - so I am Bootleg Blogging from a secure and secret location.

Congratulations to Branden Rickman for winning Make Me a Supermodel – Season 2. I know some people are upset by Branden’s surprise win, but I am happy for him. There is just something so sweet about youthful enthusiasm and joy – something Branden posseses in large quantities.

What sealed the deal for me last night was when Branden and his Mom (below) rolled into the Soho art gallery and began jumping up and down and yelling with excitement when they saw his photos. That’s NOT the way a Guest of Honor at an Art Opening usually acts, and I thought it was hysterical and adorable.

And then there's this...

Considering Branden is only 18-years-old – and I now reside in Pervertsville – I can’t help but be happy for the cutie (and his booty).

What did you think of the show last night?

Last photo courtesy of Tom & Lorenzo. You can check out their Finale recap HERE.