Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

Since last Monday I've lost 7 pounds! Although I am thrilled to death, I could have lost more if I hadn't indulged over the weekend. Oh well. Hopefully this trend will continue up through the DDBW (Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend - thanks Mark in DE) and beyond.

Speaking of DDBW, here are the confirmed attendies: Zombie Mom, Kailyn, TrannyBeth, Miss Ginger Grant, Maddie and the BoyToy, Mark in DE and Spouse, and Dust Bunny Howard. Others are still on the fence, and I encourage them to make their reservations now. If you need any hotel advice, or need somebody to meet you at the airport - please let me know. I plan on taking Thursday through Monday off from work, so I'm available. GOODNESS KNOWS ... I'm available. I practically have "available" written on my forehead.

The only two "official" events so far are a cocktail party at the gal's suite in the Sofitel on Friday night, and the First Annual Drunken Dust Bunny Bar Tour on Saturday. I would love to get a gang up to the Bronx Zoo one afternoon, and of course a field trip to Arby's in Queens MUST happen. I haven't had an Arby's roast beef sandwich since I was in Pennsylvania for Christmas!!

Also, if you are a New Yorker who reads DavidDust - PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE BAR TOUR! I will provide you with the meeting time and place - and anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. The more the merrier. Even if you aren't a blogger and have never left a comment, we'd love to meet you. And most of us don't bite ... except for Maddie. :)

>P, b.