Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Weigh-In

After my Thursday thru Sunday eating orgy, I was afraid to get on the scale yesterday for my Monday Weigh-In. But I did weigh myself this morning, and I actually have good news - I've LOST three pounds since last Monday.

Here's the deal - last week (before Thursday) I was a weight-loss machine. In fact, I reached my lowest weight ALL YEAR when I weighed myself on Thursday morning. Luckily, those productive pre-pigout days were enough to allow me a net loss for the week, and not a gain.

Saturday and Sunday will be particularly challenging this week - because it's Ninth Avenue Food Festival weekend. Yes, 20 blocks of funnel cakes, sausage & peppers, kettle corn, pierogies, and bloomin' onion blossoms. Literally all I have to do is walk down my steps and out my front door, and there it is. And the Bloomin' Onion guy is always right outside my door. Bastard.

I think I'll lock myself in my apartment on Saturday, because I have people coming on Sunday to hang out at the festival. And once I get started, I don't stop. For those well-intentioned Commenters who will say I should simply practice "moderation" - unfortunately that word has never been in my vocabulary. It's like telling a crack-head to just do a little bit of crack, even though there is a TON of available crack to be smoked. I have never understood moderation - much to my detriment.