Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lunch With The Family

Alternate Title: Non-Awkward Family Photo. From left: Me, Cousin Bunny, Uncle Bunny, Mama Bunny, and Aunt Bunny!

My mom took the Amtrak train to NYC yesterday (from PA) to meet up with my aunt, uncle (Mom's brother), and cousin who are visiting from Texas. I hadn't seen my Aunt & Uncle in over ten years (my cousin and I had dinner here in NYC last year) - so it was great just visiting and catching up. Last night they went to see Avenue Q (I had to work) - but I'm hoping to see Mom again today before she heads back to Pennsylvania. She will probably pop into my job on her way to/from the $20 Manicure/Pedicure place - a bargain she usually takes advantage of when she's in NYC.