Monday, January 12, 2009

Young & Supple White Meat

My good friend from college, Gerry, is becoming a bit of a Facebook junkie. She recently posted some pictures from "back in the day" when we were both college students at Penn State and Managers at the McDonald's across from Campus. Yes Virginia, David didn't ALWAYS look like Santa Claus...

Actually, this first picture is from AFTER college when I first moved to NYC. This is Gerry and myself in my room in Brooklyn, getting ready to go clubbing. Notice the rolled-up sleeves of my t-shirt? Fierce.

Here is a picture of me and my McDonald's friends during a "bar tour" at Penn State. Was I wearing a striped shirt and plaid shorts - TOGETHER??? NOT fierce.

Gerry, Tammy, Frank, and myself. Even while thin, I mastered the art of standing behind someone while getting my picture taken - thus seeming even thinner.

And here I am folks, in my McDonald's Manager Uniform (with Gerry) - counting money with the safe wide open. Check out our sexy visors!!