Monday, January 26, 2009

White Meat Monday - The Great Taco Caper

Zachary Moir ended up in a Florida jail last week after angrily throwing a taco at his mother's face. Mom told the 19-year-old to turn off his X-Box and come to dinner - and when Zach refused she decided to unplug the game system. At that point the fight was on and poppin' - Zach went downstairs, grabbed a taco, and smacked Mama upside the head with it. Moms then called the PoPo, and the little douchenozzle took a little trip downtown. While locked up, I'm sure the teenager was forced to share his tasty chicken taco with many, many inmates. Sorry - I just had to.

I say Zach should be put away for life for wasting a perfectly good, delicious taco. But then again I also believe in the Death Penalty for not finishing an Arby's meal.

Read the story HERE.