Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Weigh-In

I know it's been ages since I weighed in publicly, and you can probably imagine why. I have been doing everything wrong - not logging what I eat with Weight Watchers, ordering Chinese Food almost every night, and not getting any exercise. Of course this only makes me feel worse - which prompts me to eat more, etc.

When I last weighed myself, I had gained 5 pounds. I am certain that I have gained more since then. I didn't have the balls to actually get on the scale this morning to find out exactly how much I have gained.

But one thing I know is - if I do this publicly, on my blog, I am more likely to succeed. The first 25 pounds I lost in the fall was almost totally because I wanted to report good news to all of you. Yes, I know that may sound stupid - but it works for me, so don't give me hell for not doing this for MYSELF. Everything I do, I do it for you. So I will report back to you all in one week and let you know, officially, how I'm doing.