Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen ...

... The President of the United States of America - Barack H. Obama. God Bless America.

Feel free to share your feelings about today (and your opinions of Aretha's hat) in the comments. I am at work and have been watching on my computer (MSNBC) - and crying - A LOT ... What a wonderful day.

UPDATE: The Right Wing is NOT happy today. Michelle Malkin - one of the leading voices/bloggers in Wingnutistan, has a blog post entitled "Obamamedia Orgy Watch". Her crazy commenters are going bonkers in response to the inauguration of our new President. Here is one of my favorites:
Puke. Liberals have already succeeded in undermining the foundations of this country. The tide is overwhelming and the descent in American power and prosperity will now accelerate. Some may realize their mistake but it will be too late. We are so screwed.
Or this one:

Just goes to show you how utterly foolish the masses can be. They have no idea how bad the country can become

Yeah - if the Republicans had someone stayed in power, this country would be WELL on its way to prosperity again. Dumbasses.