Friday, January 9, 2009

900 Pound Butter Sculpture Unveiled in PA

Every January in Central Pennsylvania there is a huge 8-day event - the Pennsylvania State Farm Show. It is the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the United States, featuring everything from livestock auctions, rodeo, quilting competitions, and farm-fresh food for sale. Over 400,000 people are expected to visit the Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg to see the sights and smell the smells over the eight days.

One of the highlights of the Farm Show is the annual unveiling of the Butter Sculpture. This year's sculpture honors the men and women of the Pennsylvania National Guard and their families. Seriously. Read more about it HERE.

While writing this, I tried to think if I had ever gone to the Farm Show as a child - and I don't think I have. I remember going to a damn BOAT SHOW (thanks Dad!) at the same venue, and playoff high school basketball games in the arena - State Champs, bitches! - but never the Farm Show.

I wanna see the butter sculpture!!!!!!!