Friday, November 20, 2009

Martha Stewart: Rachael Ray Is NOT A Good Thing

I have always loved Martha Stewart. Rachael Ray? ... not so much. So when I read about Martha telling it like it T-I-IS about Ms. Ray, I was absolutely thrilled.

In an interview with Nightline, former Federal Prison Inmate No. 55170-054 didn't hold back...

Stewart said "Well, to me, [Rachael Ray] professed that she could -- cannot bake. She -- just did a new cookbook which is just a re-edit of a lot of her old recipes. She -- and that's not good enough for me."

Martha added that writing a cookbook is "a unique and lasting thing. Something that will really fulfill a need in someone's library. Rachael is different. She is more of an entertainer ... with her bubbly personality, than she is a teacher, like me. That's not what she's professing to be."

Oh, that is simply delicious. NO ONE does superior beeyotch better than Martha. And I love how she uses the terms "bubbly" and "entertainer" but we all know she actually meant "loathsome" and "dirtyroadwhore".

BTW - could these two women look any LESS comfortable in that picture (top)? Rachael looks like she wants to run, and Martha looks like she is ready to squash a bug.