Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Guess What I'm Thinking?...

ARBY'S!! I had a delicious lunch today at the beautiful Arby's #05877 in Carlisle, PA - and it was absolutely fantastic. Furthermore, thanks to an Arby's gift card from my dear friend Mark in DE, I didn't have to pay a penny for any of it. Free Arby's? Swoon!!!

On the menu: Large Roast Beef-n-Cheddar (with Swiss instead of Cheddar), Curly Fries and a DIET Pepsi. Because, you know, I didn't want to OVERDO it.

When I got home, I looked at the Arby's website and realized there are 10 locations within a short drive of where I am right now...

Meanwhile, I live in New York City - a place with over 8 million residents - and we have ONE Arby's ... at a mall in Queens. Unless they've shut that one down also.

Anywhore, lunch was scrumptious ... and my Dad and I have already made our first Wal-Mart run of the day. Good times here in Central Pennsylvania ...